Interesting and Visually Pleasing Projects I Made for University of Waterloo Classes
Lab 1 for ERS 202: Natural Resources Ecology
For Lab 1 I worked with Isabella Guy, Zoe Lawrence, and Grace McColeman. We use the Mountain Legacy Project's Image Analysis Tool to examine the change in Canada's natural resources over time. The images above are the image pairs where I used the IAT to count pixels of each natural resource as a way to measure change over time.
Assignment 8 for GEOG 181: Designing Effective Maps
The task of this assignment was to use QGIS to map and create a poster for the 2019 Federal election results to tell a story. I chose to create maps that explored the idea of vote splitting.
Infographic for ERS 102: Sustainability and the Really Long View
ERS 102 is a course based around the concept of Big History, studying history from the Big Bang to the present. The large assignment for the course was to examine the Big History of a topic. I chose same-sex sexual behaviour, aka homosexuality. In addition to submitting the infographic for the class, I presented it at ENVigorate, the Faculty of Environment's Annual Festival in 2020.
Comic from Proposal for ENVS 205: Sustainability the Future We Want
Cost of Menstruation is the I designed to accompany my proposal to improve campus sustainability, The Waterloo Period Product Provision and Planet Protection Initiative. The issue I addressed was menstrual justice and sustainability at the University of Waterloo. The initiative I proposed would provide disposable menstrual products in all washrooms (not just the washrooms designated for women) and make reusable menstrual products available at campus resource hubs for students and staff who cannot afford the upfront costs of the products.
(Dis)sing (Dis)ability
44 months of medicalization,
To (dis)cover I am (dis)abled,
10 months of treating,
Major depressive and generalized anxiety (dis)orders,
Add on,
25 months of stomach (dis)tress,
No diagnosis of a (dis)ease,
Overlapping with,
17 months of debilitating periods,
That made me want to (dis)embowel myself,
Years of my life in agonizing (dis)comfort,
(Dis)appointed by the medical system,
The (dis)missal of my pain,
I write “Hear My Cries”
February 2019 a diagnosis,
A connective tissue (dis)order,
October 2019 GSJ 101 reading and (dis)cussion,
Leads to the (dis)covery,
My experience is one of (dis)ability,
Why did this take so long?
From the outside, you couldn’t see my (dis)function,
Even when I am (dis)inclined,
I am able to do what was asked of me,
I do it well, terrified to (dis)appoint,
A school counselor (dis)tanced
needing accommodation from (dis)ability,
Helping (dis)associate (dis)ability from my life,
Reinforcing abjection, subconscious (dis)gust,
The (dis)tancing effectively
(Dis)sing (dis)ability,
Perpetuating (dis)crimination,
I will take my knowledge and work to (dis)pel,
The (dis)information about (dis)ability,
Ableism another hierarchy to (dis)mantle,
I’m not always ready to (dis)close my story,
But I want to change the dominant (dis)course,
I will try to stop internally (dis)sing (dis)ability,
And when I can, I will,
sing about ability.
Intellectual Response 2 for GSJ 101: Introduction to Gender and Social Justice in the Global North
"Dissing Disability" is the creative intellectual response to the content of GSJ 101. Presented to the class as spoken word poetry, and accompanied by an essay comparing models of disability discussed in the course and my own experiences with disability and the course.